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This is a test for a flying game for the Unreal Engine. UE v4.23.1
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The goal of this project is to try to allow people to compare and contrast between different mitigation methods for the transmission of covid-19 in order to gauge their efficacy
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Mark Louie / insightface-aolme
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This project contains Python files used to construct, train and evaluate deep neural net swept volume size estimators
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This project contains V-REP scene files used to generate swept volume size data.
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Tapia Lab's Adaptive Motion Planning Engine (APME) for moving obstacle avoidance testing and development.
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a set of configs on ldms wheeler which need to be backed up, as they currently exist in a world writable directory
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just same example output from LDMS v4.2.3 + OpenMPI sampler.
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datascience / GraphicEncoding_TCBB19
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated